Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Many thanks to our friends in the community who have taken a stand in support of this important work. We value your commitment. Best wishes for a very happy holiday. We will see you in the new year as we work together to makes changes in labeling for 2012. (Mark January 7th on your calendar as the start of the petition drive...more news to follow!)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Get trained this week!

If you haven't already attended a training meeting, this is the week to do so!! The signature gathering begins statewide on January 7. Here are this week's meetings:

Wednesday, December 21st 10:30am-11:30pm  Training for signature gathering by Cynthia Ainsworth. Meet at The Works in Pacific Grove. The Works is at 667 Lighthouse Ave. (map)  

 Wednesday, December 21st 6:00pm-7:00pm Debra Coffey will be training at the Pacific Grove High Library, 615 Sunset Drive, Pacific Grove. (map)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Two meetings this week!

Two meetings this week...both super informative!!!

Wednesday, December 14th 10:30am-12:30pm The first hour of this important meeting will be training for signature gathering by Colleen. The second hour  will be an organizational meeting to brainstorm ideas for more ways to get the word out. Meet at The Works in Pacific Grove. The Works is at 667 Lighthouse Ave. (map)  And be sure to mark you calendars for the movie meeting in the evening....

Wednesday, December 14th 6:00pm-8:00pm  This meeting is not to be missed!  The first hour will be training for signature gathering by professional activist Cindy Denny. The second hour watch the movie  "Scientists Under Attack".  This is a documentary thriller about how Agro-Chemical multinational corporations victimize international scientists to prevent them from publishing their scary findings. Directed by Bertram Verhaag. Feel free to bring a healthy snack for after the meeting. If you can't make the training (or you've already attended a training meeting) feel free to come at 6:45 for the movie! The meeting and movie will be at the Pacific Grove High Library, 615 Sunset Drive, Pacific Grove. (map)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

We're getting noticed :-)

The LabelGMO campaign is attracting interest in the community. Check out this link to Bicycling Monterey! Our very own fearless leader Colleen Ingram talks it up with a concerned citizen about the campaign. Keeping it real in Monterey! Way to go Colleen!

Two meetings this Wednesday...come on down!

Here's what's happening this week on the LabelGMO campaign...

1) Two meetings this Wednesday December 7th. If you can't make the first, come to the second.

The first is in the morning 10:30am- 12:30pm at The Works Coffee Shop, 667 Lighthouse Ave in PG (map). Training for signature gathering and organizational meeeting. The second is in the evening 6:00-8:00pm at the
PG High Library, 615 Sunset Dr. (map). Training for signature gathering and organizational meeting.

2) Tabling will be happening this week also. Friday December 9th at the MPC Farmers Market 10:00am-2:00pm. Colleen will be there and would love to see your smiling face.

There are many more tabling venues that need volunteers: Saturday's Salinas Old Town Marketplace, Sunday's Marina Farmers Market, Monday's Pacific Grove Farmers Market, Tuesday's Old Monterey Farmers Market. If you are able to table and educate the public about the petition, we would love to have you at one of these locations. Come talk to Colleen at one of the organizational meetings or give her a call at 831-204-8633.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

We need your help!

So you’ve become concerned about genetically engineered foods and want to make a difference but need more information. Here’s where you’ll find just that!

What are genetically engineered foods? Basically bio-chemists take the gene from one organism (plant, animal, insect, bacteria) and insert it into the DNA of another organism (corn, soybeans, alfalfa, canola, sugar beets) thereby creating a genetically new and different organism.

Why is this a concern? No testing was done on the safety of these organisms by the FDA prior to their use in the foods we eat. There is growing evidence that genetically engineered foods cause harm from increased allergies and immune problems to infertility and accelerated aging.

Tell me more about the initiative!  The California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act Ballot Initiative is about our rights as citizens to know what we are eating. Manufacturers must tell us if the resources they are using have been genetically engineered so that we can make choices for healthy living.

How can we get the initiative on the 2012 CA ballot? We need to gather 500,000 valid signatures (registered CA voters) for the initiative to be placed on the ballot. To allow for invalid signatures, we need to gather 850,000 signatures. These signatures must be gathered between January and April of 2012.

What can I do to help? Volunteer to be a signature gatherer. Training workshops are being held in Monterey County so that when the gathering begins, there will be a trained force in position. Get involved and make a difference!! To find out about the next volunteer training meeting, look for the posts labeled “meetings” on this newsletter. Or, check out our page on Facebook. Or, call the Monterey County coordinator Colleen Ingram at 831-204-8633.

With your help, we can make a change! It’s our right to know! It’s time for California to vote on labeling genetically engineered foods and you can help make it happen!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Meeting times and tabling events!

Tuesday, November 29th 10:30am-12:00pm There will be an organizational meeting at The Works in Pacific Grove. We will update new volunteers and continue working on our plans. The Works is at 667 Lighthouse Ave. (map) Can't make the morning meeting? We're also meeting (11/29) at 6:00pm-8:00pm at Mon Chay Restaurant in Carmel, 3678 The Barnyard E-31. (map) The first hour will be training, the second hour organizational.

Wednesday, December 7th 10:30am-12:30pm  Training for signature gathering and organizational meeting again at The Works Coffee Shop, 667 Lighthouse Avenue, Pacific Grove.  The first hour is training, and you can stay for the second hour for an organizational meeting. Can't make a morning meeting? Then come to the evening meeting...same day (12/7) 6:00pm-8:00pm at the Pacific Grove High Library, 615 Sunset Dr., Pacific Grove. (map)

Wednesday, December 14th 10:30am-12:30pm There will be an organizational meeting at The Works in Pacific Grove. We will update new volunteers and continue working on our plans. The Works is at 667 Lighthouse Ave. And be sure to mark you calendars for the movie meeting in the evening....

Wednesday, December 14th 6:00pm-8:00pm  A very informative meeting is planned. The first hour will be training. The second hour watch the movie  "Scientists Under Attack". The meeting and movie will be at the Pacific Grove High Library, 615 Sunset Drive, Pacific Grove.

Wednesday, December 21st 10:30am-12:30pm Continued training for signature gathering and organization. Meet at The Works in Pacific Grove.

Tabling Events: There is a great need for groups to organize to table. Not too sure what tabling is? You and a friend go to a farmer's market, supportive grocery store and educate the public on the initiative. Come to one of the meetings and learn more about it. Voters who are educated on the facts will be more likely to vote for labeling.

Colleen and Jessy making a difference!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Initiative has been filed!

Good news for California. The California Right To Know Genetically Engineered Food Act has been filed with the State Attorney General. Read the entire initiative here. Training for signature gathering has started in Monterey County. If you are interested in attending a training email Colleen at

Monday, November 14, 2011

Welcome to the newsletter

We are citizens of Monterey County who are committed to bringing about change! Help us get the Label GMOs initiative on the California 2012 ballot. We need you! This newsletter will keep you posted on all the events happening county wide and the progress made statewide. Sign up to receive the most recent news in your email.