
Please see important note from Colleen at the

end of this page in the comments. Valuable

information about signature gathering!!

Here's a summary of the training for signature gathering:

  • Project a pleasant demeanor; be high energy
  • Avoid arguments: it's a time waster
  • Only registered CA voters can sign the petition; ask which county they are registered to vote ("Are you a registered CA voter? We need your signature on this petition!")
  • Voter must sign name as he/she is registered: complete physical address (no po box); no nicknames
  • Fill out all info completely
  • If a mistake is made, strikeout the full error (Suzie Q) and have signer start over on the next line
  • One county per petition; start additional petitions for each county. 
  • Petition circulators must fill out "Declaration of Circulator" at bottom of petition page: 1st date is the day you start the page; 2nd date is the you end the page; 3rd date is the day you sign the declaration with your place you are standing when you sign, your registered name, your physical address, your signature. 
  • Only take about 30 seconds with each voter; we're looking for volume

Your petitioning supplies  Please collect/supply the following for your endeavors.  Colleen will try to supply some cardboard clipboards and placards, but it will not cover your needs.

-4 pens
-4 clipboards - 2 local cty(marked by ribbons), 1 other counties, 1 volunteers
-homemade sandwich board sign (to be used where permitted) see GMO Free Santa Cruz facebook downloadables.
-petitions (provided)
-table placard  (provided)
-your volunteer sticker - hopefully backed to cardboard and made into a pin ( prorvided while supplies last)
-make plans to obtain loaner table &chair if you don't have your own.  Check w/partner as well. (trying to provide)
-1/4 info sheets and/or provided business cards. (provided)
-a few provided registration cards
Keep all of your kit, less table and chair, in a box for easy organization. Dress warmly and comfortably. 



    The most common errors right now are:

    -not asking what county

    -po boxes used as address: physical address needed
    If they live in Carmel with no house number, or in Big Sur on Highway 1, they can use descriptive address in Carmel, and Highway 1, or Mile Marker #, Highway 1.

    -abbreviations for PG and MTY :no abbreviations

    -not filling out the declaration. Remember to date and county with the first signature. Don't do it ahead of time. Remember the filled date and the completion of declaration before dropping off.

  2. Please also see volunteers page for updates! There are other tips found there.

  3. Hey everybody! More news:
    We cannot take dormitory rooms as a residence. If a student wants to sign, it would have to be an apt or more permanent residence.

    Check under volunteers (?) for registration information.
