
updated 3/15/12

Please post your experiences here in the comments so that we can learn from each other!!

Please sign up for shifts!!! We need weekday people at TJs and the post offices and the farmer's markets. Petitioning at Whole Foods is going well. Whole Foods is giving us a little bit of freedom. Some teams have split up to have one person at the side door and the other person at the table at the front door. Colleen has worn the "big sign" and it helped people to see her as they were walking towards the door.
Jessy Bradish will be coordinating the MIIS volunteer activities. Table and chair needs, petition drop off and pick up will be overseen by Jessy. She is currently working on getting things in place, so please work with her. Jessy also hopes to have the same set ups forming at MPC and CSUMB, so contact her. You can find her information on the contact list that was shared earlier.

We need other point people for this campaign. Someone in Monterey , Carmel, Pacific Grove and Salinas . I would be happy with two more. Because I work, I can't be available for questions and issues during weekend shifts. I need someone who can.
If you need to reach me, call first and then email or text. I work Monday and Thursday late morning to , Sat 9a-2p, and Sun 12-5, and up to two more shifts. Let me know if you can help!

You can also pick up and drop off petitions (until further notice) at Carmel Valley or Village Video,and Health and Water Store in PG.

If you can donate materials to our local chapter, that would be so helpful. If you have friends that can't volunteer but want to donate, send them our way! Contact me and I will tell you what we need.

FB. Also, if you are approached by anyone who seems like press or is 'interviewing' you please be careful what you say and keep it controlled and pat. Let's not get tripped up!


Not sure how to sign up for shifts? Check out the info on the "Sign Up Genius: How-To" tab or email   labelgmomonterey@gmail.com to get an invite.


Links have been added so you can print John's handouts from pdf files.
For information on the measure  click here
To register to vote on line or check to see where you are registered click here
Depending on your browser, you will be able to open it and print, or download it and print.  Cut them apart, and you're ready to go!  


  1. UPDATE: WE ARE READY TO GO WITH WHOLE FOODS!! THEY AND THE DEL MONTE CENTER HAVE HELPED US THROUGH THE ROUGH PATCHES AND WE ARE SET TO PETITION SMOOTHLY. Please check the introduction to the sign up for Whole Foods for the new set up and contacts.

  2. This from John Munch:

    We have had a number of people who are not registered or don't know if they are registered correctly and don't know what to do about it. Obviously they can't sign the petition until they are registered.

    I have created a handout slip which I give to such people. It tells them how to check on line whether they are registered and with what information. It also gives them the link to register on line or change address or name, etc. The links are to the CA government web site, so are non-political.

    I hand them a slip and explain what it is and ask them to come back and sign as soon as they are registered. I also remind them that primaries are coming soon and that there are waiting periods, so register NOW. It has been very well received.

    The site for checking has a list of counties. If you click on Monterey county, it asks for name, street number (no street name) and date of birth. It responds with your full registration information or tells you that you are not registered with that information.

    The attached sheet can be cut into handout slips. I could post it if appropriate and knew where, or otherwise perhaps you could post it. Each handout says:

    To register to vote in California on line:
    You can check to see if you are registered:

    The sheet John created will be posted separately. THANKS JOHN!

  3. John Munch's sheets with the information slips for you to print out and cut apart are now linked to in the text on the top of this page. You can give these to people so they can register to vote on-line or if they need to check where they are currently registered to vote.

    There's another sheet with the URL you can hand out to people who want to check out the complete petition before they sign.

  4. Henry has graciously supplied us with some great sources of information the GMO debate, ranging from just what the difference is between GMO and what farmers have done to select their crops since agriculture began 10,000 years ago, to what foods are already GMO and what problems have been identified. The links to these are on the right side of the page under FOR MORE INFORMATION. Check them out!
