Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy 2013- The GMO fight continues: Global Days of Action

Hello Monterey County!  We have some exciting events that will be coming together in 2013 and will be paving our way to regaining control of our food system.  The boycotting of Prop 37 opponents continues as does the battle to stop deregulation of GE Salmon.  Please find a few moments to ACT ON THESE IMPORTANT ISSUES:


GMO Free USA Launches Phase III of Kellogg's Campaign 
North Americans Unite to Tell Kellogg: We are BOYCOTTING your products.
NO MORE BREAKFAST WITH KELLOGG'S! Remove untested and potentially unsafe GMOs!

Kellogg contributed almost $800,000 to a deceptive advertising campaign that defeated Prop. 37, which would have required the labeling of genetically engineered foods in California. This company does not support transparency or truth in labeling and has no regard for the health and safety of consumers who buy their products. Kellogg has not responded to over 115,000 individual emails sent to Kellogg executives during the last 3 months. Please take a moment to email Kellogg's executives and carryout the following actions. Tell them that you are boycotting their products and you will be telling at least 100 of Kellogg's customers about the GMOs in their products.

Click here to take action (see below for info to send from your personal email as well):

I also suggest sending this message from your personal email address to get past potential spam filters:
copy & paste - send to:,,,,,

Text of email -
When you start with a great, GMO free breakfast, great things DO happen!

The truth is out and there is no turning back. I can assure you that the defeat of Prop. 37 in CA is not the end of GMO labeling, it is just the beginning of a strong movement to label GMOs in all of North America. Your $800,000 contribution to the deceptive advertising campaign that led to the defeat of Prop. 37 is a direct insult to the health, safety and intelligence of the consumers who buy your products.

I am committed to telling at least 100 people in my network that your products contain genetically modified ingredients which have not been adequately tested to prove their safety, are heavily sprayed with the herbicide, RoundUp, and are patented by chemical companies that engineered them in a lab and turned them into EPA registered pesticides. I will tell them that your company has no regard the the health and safety of consumers who buy your products and that your company is driven strictly by greed.

You can't hide the truth. Americans want the same GMO free foods you sell in countries that require that GMOs are labeled. I hope to hear soon that you have reassessed your corporate values and will eliminate GMOs from your products so that I can enjoy them again.


Tell the FDA NO GMO SALMON! RSVP here:

1. Call AND email the FDA Center for Veterinarian Medicine. Phone: 240-276-9300 (9am-5pm EST) or (*or TOLL FREE at 888-463-6332 > when prompted, press 3 ‘to speak with an FDA rep...See More
Tell the #FDA NO #GMO #SALMON! RSVP here:

1. Call AND email the FDA Center for Veterinarian Medicine. Phone: 240-276-9300 (9am-5pm EST) or (*or TOLL FREE at 888-463-6332 > when prompted, press 3 ‘to speak with an FDA representative’ > then press 6 for ‘animal, drugs & feed’ this will take you to the office of FDA Center for Veterinarian Medicine.) Leave your message with your concern about the approval of GMO Salmon with a return number where you can be reached.

2. Email:

3. Leave your comment to the FDA here before the Feb. 25th, 2013 deadline. Docket # FDA-2011-N-0899.